Important Disclosure

National Consumer Credit Protection (NCCP) Act 2009

1 October 2010, the new National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (NCCP) legislation regulates the way Evoke Capital conducts business.

NCCP is legislation, enforced by ASIC, designed to protect consumers and ensure ethical standards in the finance industry through the National Credit Code. The legislation also applies to referrers and requires any person giving credit advice to be licensed.

The legislation permits Real Estate Agents referring you to Evoke Capital.


General Referrer NCCP Obligations

The general Obligations applied to Referrers are as follows:

  • Are restricted in the credit product information they can provide to a consumer;
  • Cannot be banned from engaging in credit activities under State, Territory or Commonwealth law;
  • Cannot charge a fee to the consumer for the referral;
  • Must disclose commissions or other benefits they receive from Evoke Capital. Detail of these commission are disclosed in this document and made available at the Open House for inspection;
  • The Referrer obtains the consent of the consumer to pass their name, contact details and the purpose for which the credit is sought to Evoke Capital. Note: consent is inferred when you give an Agent you contact details. Please read and understand the terms of your consent on the displayed 'Collection Notice' and contained in this brochure;
  • May not share confidential information;
  • Complies with their Evoke Capital Referrer Terms and Conditions;
  • Complies with all relevant laws including but not limited to, Property Stock and Business Agents Act, National Consumer Credit Protection Act, Privacy Act, Spam Act and Do Not Call Act.

Open For Inspections - Collection Notice

Privacy Act 1988, Spam Act 2003, Do Not Call Register Act 2006 and the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.

We store and use your personal information collected from you at the opens for inspections for security purposes on behalf of our clients.

We will also use your personal information to contact you by means of any officer, contractor, employee or agent in relation to this property as well as other properties, products and services which we believe may be of interest to you and for customer feedback on our services.

In providing your personal information you consent to us collecting, storing and using your personal information in the manner set out above and you consent to us disclosing your personal information to our related bodies corporate and each of their officers, contractors, employees and agents who may collect, store and use of your personal information in the manner set out above.

You acknowledge and agree that this consent is effective consent for the purposes of the Do Not Call Register Act 2006, Spam Act 2003,Privacy Act 1988 and National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and is deemed to be for an indefinite period (unless you advise us differently). If the information is not provided by you we may not be able to provide an effective service to you.

If you require more information you can contact Evoke Capital at 


Referrer Terms & Conditions

If you refer potential borrowers to Evoke Capital, you will be deemed to have agreed to the terms below.

You must:

  • only engage in credit activities as a referrer incidentally to another business you are carrying on;
  • not charge a fee to the consumer for the referral;
  • only inform the consumer that we are able to arrange loans and leases but not specify any particular product, and not provide any recommendations or advice concerning loans or leases;
  • inform the consumer of any commissions or other benefits you may receive;
  • obtain the consent of the consumer to pass their name, contact details and a short description of the purpose for which the consumer may want the credit or lease; and
  • pass the consumer's contact details to us within five business days of informing the consumer that we are able to arrange loans and leases but not any specified particular product.
  • not be listed on the ASIC banned or disqualified register


Frequently Asked Questions


What does a finance / mortgage broker do?

A mortgage broker will serve as a mediator or point of contact between you and the lender.

They provide advice in regard to the best lender to service your needs. This advice relates to a wide variety of transactions, including purchasing a home, investment property, business or vehicle.


Isn't it just easier for me to go to my bank directly?

A mortgage broker can assist in evaluating all banks to the market, whilst a Bank is restricted solely one product suite.

A common misconception is that a client bank will give them the best deal, which unfortunately is not always true. Mortgage broker works for you, not the bank, which means that we can ensure that you are getting the best offer by investigating a wide range of lenders.


How many lenders do you deal with?

We work closely with 45 lenders


How much money can I borrow?

Your borrowing capacity is the term used to describe the maximum amount you can borrow. The amount you can borrow can vary depending on the lender and your circumstances.


What other costs are involved?

Additional costs and fees could consist of, but are not be limited to:

  • Building and pest inspections
  • Valuation costs
  • Lender's mortgage insurance (LMI)
  • Solicitor expenses
  • Insurance premiums
  • Stamp Duty


What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance?

Lenders Mortgage Insurance is an insurance premium that allows you to buy a house with a smaller deposit. This premium is paid upfront when your loan settles.


What will my repayments be?

You can see how much your approximate home loan repayment will be here with our mortgage calculators.


Why can't you tell us what the best deal in the market is anymore?

We commonly receive requests from people who would like to know the lender and the interest rate. Under the new legislation this is simply no longer possible for us to do our job properly without knowing a customer full situation and seeing their supporting documents.

This is firstly because it is against the NCCP Act for us to recommend a product without making enquiries and verifying your information, but secondly because we can't provide accurate advice without this information. There are hundreds of different credit policies which can affect the outcome.

Applying for a home loan is a complicated process and if we do not complete a preliminary assessment correctly then we risk having a loan declined or missing out on the most affordable loan product.


What do I do if I want to make a complaint?

In the rare instance a complaint occurs. Please ask the customer to forward their written complaint to:

The Director

Evoke Capital

1/9-13 Bronte Road

Bondi Junction NSW 2022

Alternatively should they just wish to talk to someone, please have them call 1300 751 623


Where can I find out more information?

By contacting your Evoke Capital broker or emailing your questions through to

Or if your query is regarding the National Consumer Credit Protection Act by Contacting ASIC.